A first taste of PR agency life


I was really excited when I found out that I was going to do my work experience at FieldHouse Associates. When I looked on the company’s website and heard about what it did it seemed really cool!

Gracie Coyle

What did I learn about FieldHouse?

Firstly, it is a PR company which impacts businesses and makes them stand out in the media. It is also one of the best PR companies around. It’s different from other PR agencies and creates a bigger impact for its clients.

I was looked after by George who was so helpful. He gave me lots of different tasks to do and let me join all his meetings.

What did I do?

Over the three days I learnt a lot:

  • summarised articles – I really enjoyed reading all the different kinds of news. I was learning about lots of cyber security articles which were interesting.
  • I used Excel- I wasn’t used to using Excel and had to get my head around it with some help.I was putting names and information on journalists and editors who worked in cyber security. I read about the different types of people and what they did. It was fascinating.
  • listened in on some meetings/ calls– this was good as I experienced what it feels like to work in an office and the different things that happen during a typical day at work there. It was also interesting to hear about all the different clients and businesses that Fieldhouse is aiming to impact.
  • Towards the end of the three days I also had the opportunity to work with the Forgather team who shares the office with FieldHouse. They organise events. This was really cool as I got to go to a meeting with the Forgather team (Belinda and Hannah).  I watched them present the different designs to the clients.

I really liked spending time with both companies (FieldHouse Associates and Forgather) as I was able to see what each company did and the similarities and differences between the two.

As well as completing tasks and joining meetings I learnt about the whole office experience and social part of the company. For example, the team were very friendly and had lunch together on the rooftop of the building.

They communicated in the office via a technology tool called Slack which meant that they sent messages to each other on the computer. It really showed how much of an impact technology is having on the workplace.  It was also really interesting to learn about the people there. I loved hearing about their stories, their roles in the company and what they studied at school and university.

The whole experience was a massive jump for me.  From travelling from home to FieldHouse to having conversations with different people. These small things are a big deal when you aren’t used to it.  Everyone at the company was so helpful and friendly. No-one minded if I asked lots of questions and it was really kind of them to help me out and take time to teach me new things.

Thanks FieldHouse Associates for opening my eyes to new things and for giving me such a valuable work experience.
