“I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.”


Having worked in the tech startup landscape for a few years since graduating from the University of Edinburgh, I was always reminded of the importance of brand awareness.

Olivia Sharron
Junior Account Manager

I’ve seen many great products before, but realised that if people can’t see you, hear you, or even know you exist – is it really worth it? I grew mildly frustrated with founders getting so over-excited at the prospect of their own growth, while forgetting one fundamental thing: communicating it! That’s when I looked into the world of tech startup PR – one I wasn’t so familiar with yet, but realised was hugely significant.

I came across FieldHouse in a very 21st century way. I found Lulu (a wonderful Account Director here) on Linkedin, gently but persistently nudging her until one day she agreed to chat. Her comments about the FieldHouse team and the work she was doing were extraordinary – I could feel her excitement through the computer screen. Following on from this, I interviewed for the role of Junior Account Manager, and after meeting the incredible team in the office, was fortunate enough to be offered a role.

Given FieldHouse concentrates on tech startups, VCs, and the ecosystem around them, it felt like the perfect opportunity for me to learn more about a world that already hugely excites me. One thing that I am most excited about is building my network – meeting new people, working with journalists, going to events, and networking with impressive founders. With FieldHouse’s connections and strong reputation within the industry, I cannot wait to dive into this role further.
