We were tasked by a pre-launch AI startup to drive interest in its forthcoming app in order to help demonstrate traction to potential investors, with an objective of doubling sign-ups within a very specific target demographic.

Doubled app sign-ups in just 19 days
Most efficient channel for sign-ups, with CPA of £4.53
Traction demonstrated was a driver of meetings with major US investors
How We
did it

Given the nature of the objective, the short timeframe in which it needed to be achieved, and the need to track specific metrics, we decided on a digital marketing approach. We worked closely with the client to define the audience to be targeted, then ran feasibility tests to ensure the objective was realistically achievable.

We drafted copy and worked with the client’s in-house design team to create various sponsored posts, which were A/B tested and deployed in three waves. We refined the posts and our targeting between waves based on real-time campaign performance data to maximise impact.
