A Fortune 500 materials science company enlisted us to help it break out of its industry media into mainstream business press by relating its innovative work to some of the biggest issues facing society, with speaking opportunities at major conferences a particular priority.

On-stage appearance at major European conference on disruptive innovation led to top-tier media interest
Speaking at Economist conference on the future of food led to ongoing relationship and appearances at future events
Appearance at global innovation conference provided unprecedented showcase for a strategically important but low-profile part of the business
How We
did it

We worked closely with the client to identify key issues they could own, and develop messaging linking its business areas and innovations to those issues as they affect brands and consumers.

We selected events – including The Economist conferences, Collision, and Disruption Summit Europe – where speaking would have the most impact in terms of exposure to top-tier media and world-leading brands, and identified opportunities to either fit into existing agendas or propose topics that would fill gaps.

Once opportunities were secured, we worked with the client to prepare speakers and developed content for social media and owned channels to amplify the messaging delivered at the events.
